One of South Africa’s mid-size accounting firms has recently announced it will be joining the Praxity Alliance, bringing local knowledge and technical expertise into the global alliance of independent firms.
After a series of discussions between Praxity CEO Samantha Louis and partners at the Johannesburg-area firm, Nwanda opted to become part of the Alliance, citing the benefits of being part of a quality-assured international organisation while retaining operational independence.
Nwanda has seen organic growth in recent years, while also establishing as a robust mid-size firm in South Africa. The firm’s inclusion will help to further facilitate international collaboration and cross-border business in the region. Retaining independence is a key aspect of Praxity’s award-winning approach to accountancy and was the decisive factor for Nwanda.
On this, Nwanda’s managing partner, Bob Borrill, commented: “We were growing organically and we didn’t want to lose that independence […]. When everyone is in a trusted partnership as they are in Praxity, you can reach out to other member firms. If one of our clients has an operation in another country we can contact a member firm in that specific country for specialist support, and vice-versa.”
Headquartered in Johannesburg, Nwanda is counts with eight partners and 65 staff. It serves more than 2000 clients in a variety of industries, including large owner-operated companies and subsidiaries of listed companies. Nwanda also supports clients doing cross-border business throughout Africa, as well as in Europe and Australia. Nwanda’s services include auditing, consulting, financial management and reporting, with the company also specialising in due diligence, helping clients with mergers, acquisitions and in establishing a footprint in South Africa.
The Nwanda partners have expressed that they “are keen to explore networking and secondment opportunities within Praxity, with the Alliance offering opportunities for both young trainees and more senior employees to gain experience in other markets and across different territories.”
Praxity has stated that its “looking forward to a strong and productive relationship with Nwanda, with the firm’s expertise adding huge value, both to the African region and to the Alliance as a whole.”