International Accounting Bulleti, in association with sister title The Accountantn, have produced a new data set aimed at measuring the balance between non-audit services (NAS) and auditing fees earned by Brazilian accountancy firms.

Brazil seems to be entering a poignant time in its political and economic history. The country’s federal audit court, known as TCU (Federal Court of Accountants), rejected President Dilma Rousseff’s government’s fiscal deficit accounts from 2014.

The decision has given Rousseff’s parliamentary opponents a prime opportunity to try and impeach her, especially since it is the first time in 80 years that the TCU has ruled against a president.

Meanwhile, our audit research of Brazil’s accountancy industry continues to pose questions about the future of the profession.

International Accounting Bulletin and The Accountant surveyed 20 international networks and 14 international associations operating in Brazil.

Among networks, UC&CS Global and Kreston International each gained 91% of fees from audit and accounting (A&A) services giving them a joint number one ranking in this category.

Following closely behind is PKF International, which secured 71% of fees from A&A, then Moore Stephens at 76%, UHY came directly after with 70%, and hot its heels is Baker Tilly International with 67% of fees from A&A.

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Non-audit services monitor: Brazil – Data