Grant Thornton UK CEO Sacha Romanovitch has been selected to co-chair the Inclusive Economy Partnership, a UK government initiative which aims to build a more inclusive economy.

Romanovitch will be working alongside Esmée Fairbairn Foundation chief executive Caroline Mason, who will chair the partnership’s Advisory Group in order to identify and catalyse solutions across government, business and civil society.

The Working Groups will address the major societal challenges facing low and middle income households such as; financial inclusion and capability, mental health, and the transition to work.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport secretary of state Karen Bradley convened the first meeting of the Partnership on 11 September 2017 bringing together influential voices from business, government and civil society, of which 80 have signed up to working groups.

The Advisory Group members are:

  • Accenture UK & Ireland managing director Olly Benzecry
  • National Grid chief executive John Pettigrew
  • Nationwide chief executive Joe Garner
  • O2 chief executive Mark Evans
  • Landsec chief executive Robert Noel
  • techUK president Jacqueline de Rojas
  • UN Ltd chief executive Mark Norbury
  • Social Enterprise UK chief executive Peter Holbrook
  • NCVO chief executive Sir Stuart Etherington
  • Big Lottery Fund chief executive Dawn Austwick
  • Big Society Capital chief executive Cliff Prior