EY has become the latest Big Four member to re-haul its strategy consulting practice, including hiring a strategy leader from competitor Deloitte.

Following 11 consulting acquisitions this year, including a merger with the Parthenon Group completed in September, the firm has appointed Jacques Mulder to the post of global advisory industry and market strategy leader.

Mulder previously held the positions of US chief strategy officer for life sciences and healthcare and corporate strategy leader overseeing expansion in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America at Deloitte.

The team he has been hired to guide is the industry and market strategy division of EY’s global advisory line.

EY global vice chair Norman Lonergan said the continued investment in the firm’s consulting practice was a key objective "if we are to achieve our goal of being a US$15b, distinctive advisory business by 2020".

EY’s plan echoes a wider trend towards strategy investment among the Big Four this year.

PwC completed its merger with Booz&Co, which saw the latter rebrand to Strategy& ,earlier this year.

Last week, meanwhile, KPMG US announced the establishment of KPMG Strategy division, following a reshuffle among the firm’s strategy partners, as well as the recruitment of several external consultants and professionals.


Related stories:

KPMG US launches KPMG Strategy division

PwC and Booz merger approved

EY and the Parthenon Group complete merger