MGI Worldwide has announced that its welcoming MGI KHCPA (Khalid Yasin Kadhem & Associates) to the MGI global accounting network. The network has noted that it is “especially pleased that the firm has decided to adopt the MGI prefix to leverage the strength of the MGI brand as part of their firm name”, effective immediately.

Newly named “MGI KHCPA” is the first – and only – audit firm in North Iraq’s Kurdistan region. The firm is managed by partners Khalid Alkaisy, Saad Al Quraishy, Hoshyar Dizayee and Karwan Dizayee.

MGI KHCPA’s main office is in Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan, an autonomous region in Northern Iraq that borders the Kurdish regions of Iran to the east, Turkey to the north and Syria to the west, along with the rest of Iraq to the south. The firm has a second office in Duhok and plans to open another branch in the coming months.