MGI Worldwide has announced that it welcomes Nyssen Consultores Asociados, based in Cuernavaca, Mexico as it makes the transition from the Association to the MGI Worldwide global network.

About Nyssen Consultores Asociados

Nyssen Consultores Asociados, S.C. was founded in 1936 by Alejandro S. Nyssen who in turn passed the firm to his sons Francisco and Alejandro.

Managing partner and key contact Eduardo Nyssen is the third generation to have managed the firm.

With over 85 years of experience in providing professional services related to accounting, finance, public finance and administration, Nyssen Consultores Asociados, S.C. serves companies from all sectors – often in collaboration with other MGI Worldwide and Association firms. The firm has nine partners and an additional 53 professional staff.

A Mexican firm with strong links to Germany

Due to the fact that Nyssen attended a German school and another of the firm’s partners is of German descent, the firm has strong ties with Germany. Nyssen Consultores Asociados is a member of the Mexico-German Chamber of Commerce, and the firm is keen to explore and expand in this market through collaborations with the network’s German firms. The firm is a member of the British Chamber of commerce and hopes to seek business within this area too.