BKR International has named John Beauston as its Americas regional chair. Former chair, Jeremy Vokt, and managing partner of Bland & Associates, will serve on the board for one more year as ex-officio.
Beauston is the co-founder and managing partner of Moore Beauston & Woodham With Beauston’s appointment, Francisco Perdomo, president and managing director of PSV & Co., was named vice chair/treasurer of BKR’s Americas region.
Commenting on this, Beauston said: “I want to thank Jeremy for his many years of service on the board.
“It is an honor to lead the Americas Region at a time of great change for our industry, and I look forward to working with member firms on new opportunities and resources for our continued independent growth.”
Gwayne Lai, and tax partner with Anchin, Block & Anchin, was named to the Americas regional board, replacing exiting board member Clarence Kehoe, and executive partner at Anchin.