by Daniel Milroy Maher

Global association Abacus Worldwide has added ten accounting firms into its membership.

The new members are: B&B Gestao Contabil (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Daren B. Tanner, P.C. (Oregon, US), De Bruijn & Co Accountants (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Godoy Oliva & Asociados (Guatemala City, Guatemala), Integritas Limited (Nicossia, Cyprus), KAP Gatot Permadi Azwir & Abimail (Jakarta, Indonesia) LM Audit & Tax (Munich, Germany), Maryam Bin Belaila Auditing (Dubai, United Arab Emirates), Perello Polanco & Asoc (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) and Pérez Alfaro & Asociados Contadores (Montevideo, Uruguay).

The association also added five law firms.. President and chief executive of Abacus Worldwide, Julio Gabay, classed these members as the "founding firms".

Abacus Worldwide was launched in October 2012 and Gabay says the association continues to search for other firms "including in, but not limited to, China, Hong Kong, UK, India, Australia, California, New York, Mexico."

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Abacus Worldwide