PwC US has appointed former New York Banking
Superintendent Richard Neiman as vice chairman of the firm’s global
financial services regulatory practice.
Neiman will advise financial institutions,
market utilities and regulators. He will also lead the firm’s
foreign bank regulatory practice, which provides advice to banks on
governance, compliance and business issues in relation to their
operations in the US.
Neiman recently completed his term as chief
New York Banking regulator. Earlier in his career, Neiman worked as
a director in the regulatory advisory services practice of PwC
forerunner firm Price Waterhouse.
“Richard Neiman is one of the most respected
global regulatory leaders in the financial services industry, and
has been in the middle of much of the regulatory reform debate in
his role as the New York Superintendent of Banks and member of the
Congressional Oversight Panel,” said Dan Ryan, PwC chairman of
financial services regulatory practice.